



  1. 繭の形: 水上から別荘に近づいてゆく。その湖畔の住宅が水面に映り、幻想的風景のなかを進む。
  2. 飛ぶ構造体(空中を運ばれる構造体): アニメーションでは、ヘリコプターがその構造体を運んでくる。 このヘリコプターはアメリカ陸軍向けシコルスキー社S-64である。
  3. 構成のコンセプト:屋根パネルが現れ、「未来的湖畔の別荘」は完成する。
  4. ガラス光沢: 視点は建物の外周を1周する。 玄関のドアを開けて室内に入る。私たちは視線を落とし、円形中庭に沿って歩く。
  5. 円形中庭: 私たちは螺旋階段を上り、2階の寝室に至る。私たちの視線は、下降してゆく。そして中庭中央の地上に至る。私たちはトラス状の柱を潜り抜け、湖面へと去ってゆく。


レンダリングは MicrostationV8i(SELECTseries 1) Luxology
画質 800*450

未来的湖畔の高級別荘住宅 3Dアニメーション完結編

Futuristic luxury villa on the shores -Final

This is architectual animation of "Futuristic luxury villa on the shores".
This animation is the final chapter summarizes the five scenes.
HD quality animation file size is large, and therefore divided into five. 2GB file size must be less so,the final chapter is a size 800 × 450 pixels.
To view HD images, I want to see each scene was divided.

To explain the details of each scene.

  1. cocoon shape: Reflected in the water of the lake villas, we go through a fantastic landscape. Then the villa is a gradually diminishing.
  2. flying structure (structure is carried through the air.):Its structure will be transported by helicopter. This helicopter is a Sikorsky S-64 for the U.S. Army.
  3. The concept of configuration: Finally, the roof panel appeared, "a lakeside villa in the future" is to be completed.
  4. Glossy Glass: We look to lap the perimeter of the building. We have approached a small bridge, enters the room to open the front door. Then we walk along the circular courtyard.
  5. circular courtyard: We climb a spiral staircase. And we went into the bedroom on the second floor. And then our eyes and goes down.And reach the ground at central courtyard. We dive through truss-like pillars, goes out to the lake.

This architectural animation created by 3D ・ BIM design.
Rendering by MicrostationV8i(SELECTseries 1) Luxology.
This animation is quality-800*450.

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